Communication Aid Manufacturers Association

Each year, improved and more innovative AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) products make their way into the marketplace, and consumers have more powerful technology with which to communicate. Each year, professionals encounter more persons who need AAC, as well as the sometimes-overwhelming challenge to distinguish between new companies and different solutions. The Communication Aid Manufacturer’s Association (CAMA) reaffirms its commitment to help you be prepared to meet the needs of AAC users.
In 2003, CAMA celebrates its 10th year as a non-profit organization representing the world’s leading manufacturers of AAC software and hardware technology, as well as a recognized leader in helping consumers and assistive technology professionals learn about the innovations and applications. CAMA has helped more than 41,000 Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Recreational Therapists, with a wide range of experience, maintain their proficiency and enhance their skills and knowledge of AAC.
A CAMA AAC Workshop represents an affordable, convenient, one-day opportunity for professionals, clinicians and consumers to learn how to help users and advocates use the latest in AAC technology. This full-day of networking and interactive sessions is designed to help experienced professionals, as well as new clinicians administrators, teachers and special educators, learn about the diversity of AAC hardware and software, distinguish between the type of products offered and understand their functional applications in a variety of speaking situations. Plus, you save time, airfare, lodging, tips, taxi fare, and the expense of meals, and you can earn ASHA CEUs as well.


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